October 2, 2007 


Present: James Willey and William Jones, Selectmen, Diana J Curtis Administrative Assistant, Jane Gibbons Clerk, John Clifford Road Commissioner 

 Meeting was opened by Mr. Willey with the Pledge of Allegiance.

 The minutes of the September 11th meeting were approved. 

 Mrs. Curtis gave out notebooks outlining the information needed to start preparing the budget for 2008. More information is needed concerning the handling of FEMA funds. The auditor had recommended that the additional county tax of $2,550 for 2007 should be included in next year’s budget and needs to be voted on by the town. Mrs. Curtis estimates that the projections for next year show that we can raise an additional $10,000 and still stay within the LD 1 limit. She anticipates that the total for winter road, summer roads and town charges can be reduced from $111,000 to 103,000. She projects a 3.5% increase in salaries. The surplus account was $180,784 at the beginning of the year. We have spent $37,500 from that account, leaving $143,284. If we can increase the surplus, we can eliminate the need to borrow money in the spring and early summer.

 The matter of office cleaning was discussed. Jane will make inquiries.

 The Fire Department will be asked to have their budget submitted by 11/13/07. 

 It is anticipated that the paving of Ridlonville Road will be $40,000. Roads: Ledge Hill Road needs work. The FEMA Roads repairs will soon be completed. Keyes Pond Road needs gravel. DJ will put a notice in the newspaper about winter road closures. 

 Budget Committee: nothing new 

 Fire State and Clean Fill from State: Carroll Murphy will cut trees 

 Paving Town Office Parking Lot:  nothing new 

 Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off Day:  DJ will put an ad in the paper. 

 Polling Place: nothing new. Nov. 7 election will be in Town Meeting House, not office. 

 Other: Estimates for signs: A double sign is $270, a single sign is $160. 

 Meeting adjourned at 8:03 

Jane Gibbons, Clerk