Miscellaneous images related to missions flown by the 303rd Bomb Group.

  Previously, various types of "BOX" and "Squadron" based formations have been described.  I have several formation sheets that were given to pilots in the morning briefings prior to a mission.  As an example:

      Squadron Briefing formation sheet 3/19/45.....normal box formation

is an example of squadron based formations flown between July 1944 and March 1945.  In April 1945, a new type of formation was used. As an example of this, a briefing sheet is shown:

      Squadron Briefing formation sheet 4/14/45...double V formation

An other example of some of the materials given to pilots during the pre-mission briefings, is the
                          "Pilots Flimsy"---3/19/45

These sheets list callsigns, frequencies and other important data needed by the flight crews.  In addition to the formation sheets and flimsy sheets, the pilots were given a mission map, which was a smaller version of that used by the navigators;
              Partial "Mission map"---3/19/45

Finally, the decision of what crewmembers would be flying each plane was documented in the "loading lists" for each mission.  A sample loading list is shown;

            Sample of a mission loading list for Mar 30 1945 mission, obtained from Maxwell AFB microfilm records

Some other mission related images:
4"x4" section of 3'x3' silk scarf escape map A Piece of actual FLAK that hit Capt Jones in the arm (see Oct 3 1944 mission file)
B-17 info 
Escape packet with Russian translation card Post VE-Day flights for the benefit of the ground crews.