Scenes of Sweden  (captions are transcriptions of handwriting on photos too faint to be easily read)  
Looking to the west on Holden Hill Road (now Rt 93, Lovell Road) from the approximate location of the current fire house.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Sullivan
 View of Chandler House (shown on right in above photo) from the Holden Place (currently owned by Dan Sullivan) across the road.

The Chandler House was destroyed by fire in 1958. It was located near where the Nevers mobile home sits today.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Sullivan

A close-up view of the Chandler House shown in the photo above.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Sullivan
View of the Holden Place looking across Holden Hill Road to Keye's Pond.

It is speculated that the taller of the chimneys shown belongs to a part of the house that is currently owned by Dan Sullivan.

The large barn is on the opposite side of the road from the house.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Sullivan
Post Office and General Store located at Webber's Corner (currently the intersection of Tapawingo Rd. and Rt 93).

Photo courtesy of Daniel Sullivan
The Post Office shown in the above photo is to the right of the Saunder's House. This house was moved to Webber Pond Road in the 1960s.

See photos of this move.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Sullivan
 Not much is known about this photo other than the handwritten notation.  The identification of "Forrest Hutchins" is unknown.

Photo courtesy of Daniel Sullivan
 NEW - this photo was featured in

 "Sweden celebrates split from Lovell" in the Advertiser Democrat. Unfortunately, the page has been removed. 

In response to the article, reader SwedenHistoryFan contributed the following to the paper:

The photo marked 'Hutchins' burned down in the mid 1970s but it was located at what is now 250 Plummer School Rd. Forrest Hutchins came to Sweden around 1912. He was part of group of men from Portland selecting ash trees from which to craft handles axes, shovels and other tools. He stayed, married a local woman and purchased the house in this picture from Sam Plummer. He lived there until 1964 when the house was sold to Donald Starbird.

(thanks to SwedenHistoryFan for the info)

Photo courtesy of Daniel Sullivan
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